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Illiteracy essay

Illiteracy essay

illiteracy essay

Sep 04,  · Illiteracy Essay Words | 6 Pages. With the ease of the access of the internet, there is a boom of illiteracy, not just illiteracy in reading and writing, but also the way that the way that we interact with each other, such as being emotionally illiterate. Illiteracy is the quality or state of being illiterate; the inability to read or write Illiteracy In America Essay. Illiteracy in America is still one of the most prevalent issues in our society today. The key to solving this issue falls upon our educational system and its counterparts. I think that if our country focuses on what it seems to be lacking in education, illiteracy can possibly be solved Jan 24,  · Illiteracy essay Introduction: Literacy is a blessing while illiteracy is a curse. Illiteracy is similar to darkness because ignorance results in it. It prevents the people from marching ahead to set up on the ideal social fabric. Its causes: There are some reasonable reasons or, causes for illiteracy. When the people of the country were under the yoke of foreign rule, few institutions were set blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Illiteracy Essay | Bartleby

Topic: Introduction, Our present position, illiteracy essay, Effects or Curse, Causes, Measures, Conclusion, illiteracy essay. Essay On Illiteracy — Education is the reflection of our character. It beautifies and glorifies a nation.

That is to say, education is the backbone of a nation. On the contrary, illiteracy is a curse. Inability to read or write is said to be illiteracy, illiteracy essay. Indeed, illiteracy is one of the most serious problems in illiteracy essay country. If the maximum people are educated, the country will be developed, illiteracy essay. So education for all is the crying need in our country. Most of the people in our country are illiterate.

That is, more than 60 percent of the people of Bangladesh are illiterate. The literacy rate is 40 percent. So, the present condition of literacy in Bangladesh is deplorable. Actually, a country can make no progress until its people become illiteracy essay up to a satisfactory rate. Illiteracy essay country may have many skyscrapers and monuments but it does not mean that the country is well established, illiteracy essay. That means illiteracy is a curse.

It makes all development efforts impossible, illiteracy essay. Illiteracy essay country can not develop if illiteracy prevails in it. It prevents the cultural growth of a country. In our country, illiteracy essay, farmers and workers engage their children in economic activities instead of sending them to school.

They are sent to work in mills and factories even at a very early age. Thus these children remain ignorant of the A. of education. The farmers of our villages are very poor. So they want that their children should help them and work in the field. As the farmers of illiteracy essay villages cannot understand the value of education, they think that this education does not help them earn their living.

It is really a difficult task to eradicate illiteracy from a country like Bangladesh which has a vast population. The problem will not be solved illiteracy essay by the government. It is the social responsibility of every literate person to try heart and soul in order to remove illiteracy from society. A large number of schools should be established. Special steps should be taken illiteracy essay adult education.

Primary education should be made free and compulsory for all. We shall have to take honest and sincere efforts to eradicate illiteracy from the society. Otherwise, no plans and programs will be successful. As illiteracy is the root of all evils, we must try heart and soul to remove it.

Otherwise, our Bangladesh will find no hope for future prosperity. Introduction : Literacy is a blessing while illiteracy is a curse. Illiteracy is similar to darkness because ignorance results in it. It prevents the people from marching ahead to set up on the illiteracy essay social fabric. Its causes: There are some reasonable reasons or, causes for illiteracy. When the people of the country were under the yoke of foreign rule, few institutions were set up. People had to carry out their order like orderly.

They were not allowed to acquire education. They had to remain at their beck and call. Books for reading were very scarce and more expensive for people. Then people had learned the way to practice dogmatisms, superstitions, and prejudices.

At the same time, illiteracy essay, few people could read and write any illiteracy essay of the alphabet, illiteracy essay. They had no 3Rs illiteracy essay. Likewise, they sent their children not to any school but to the fields with a pair of bulls, illiteracy essay, agricultural tools like spade, hoe, rake, baskets, sickle etc.

The scope of learning was, so to speak, absent especially for the governed in those days. Poverty caused people to remain illiterate. It also prevented them from going to schools but led them to the fields.

First, people had to keep body and soul together working through hardship but did not have any relaxation and rest. Then people out of ignorance were not aware of the importance of education. As illiteracy essay result, their generation remained illiterate. The illiterate people are to work, move, enjoy life under the cover of darkness known as illiteracy. They have eyes but cannot read the black-inked letters like that of the bogus boo—an imaginary creature.

As a result, basic human rights like housing, food, clothing, education, illiteracy essay, health, and medicine were Greek to the then people. They were not housed properly, taught the rules of health and sanitation, and given proper medical treatment. These worsened situations told seriously upon literacy.

The ruling class roled a ruling steam ruler over the common people. People had to live in an overcrowded room. The then prevailing society was dead against education. Education for all was not made compulsory, illiteracy essay. Most people used to work hard in the day but spent the night gossiping, eating, sleeping, and moving.

The curse of illiteracy: The illiterate people are the burden of the nation. They make the nation uncivilized. They create problems, chaos, and confusion, hinder national development, increase population at an alarming rate, cover the land with barbarism, break the existing law and order, illiteracy essay, pollute the environment and do everything in an orthodox manner.

The illiterate people are the roots of all evils for they have no sagacity and farsightedness. The illiterate people are dunder-headed, block-headed, illiteracy essay, superstitious, ferocious, confused, adamant, disobedient, disloyal, unrest, illiteracy essay, fickle-minded inconsiderate, and unconscious.

The major portion of people is illiteracy essay. She can, for this reason, make no development in any field. An illiterate nation plays no role in development work because it cannot make any plan, profile, and design of it.

Literacy helps a nation develop in all respects. It provides people with knowledge, illiteracy essay, wisdom, light of education and the power of detecting right illiteracy essay wrong. Measures to be taken: To remove illiteracy the following steps should immediately and urgently be taken. The illiterate people should be made conscious and given the compact idea of the importance and necessity of education in individual and national life.

Education up to class ten should be made free and compulsory, More and more schools should be set up up to the ward level of the village. The system of mass and old aged education should be introduced all over the country.

Free distribution of books among the people should be made. Primary and secondary education should be made free and compulsory for all children. The system of scholarship for scholars and stipends for all general students should be introduced throughout the country.

More and more teachers from among the unemployed literate people should be appointed to teach them. A penalty system like fine, tax, or punishment under any section should be imposed upon those people who drop out or leave the schools before completing the scheduled course of studies.

Conclusion: Literacy and illiteracy are the two opposite directions of a thing. The farmer is a blessing and the latter is a curse. Hence literacy should be encouraged illiteracy essay illiteracy should be eradicated. This is my personal Blog, illiteracy essay. I love to play with Web. Blogging, Web design, Learning, traveling and helping others are my passion.

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Essay On Illiteracy- Suitable for all class | Ontaheen

illiteracy essay

Sep 04,  · Illiteracy Essay Words | 6 Pages. With the ease of the access of the internet, there is a boom of illiteracy, not just illiteracy in reading and writing, but also the way that the way that we interact with each other, such as being emotionally illiterate. Illiteracy is the quality or state of being illiterate; the inability to read or write Illiteracy In America Essay. Illiteracy in America is still one of the most prevalent issues in our society today. The key to solving this issue falls upon our educational system and its counterparts. I think that if our country focuses on what it seems to be lacking in education, illiteracy can possibly be solved Jan 24,  · Illiteracy essay Introduction: Literacy is a blessing while illiteracy is a curse. Illiteracy is similar to darkness because ignorance results in it. It prevents the people from marching ahead to set up on the ideal social fabric. Its causes: There are some reasonable reasons or, causes for illiteracy. When the people of the country were under the yoke of foreign rule, few institutions were set blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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