Saturday, November 27, 2021

Research paper on drunk driving

Research paper on drunk driving

research paper on drunk driving

Despite the zero tolerance and minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) laws since , crashes caused by underage drinking drivers have occurred every year in the U.S., which is a huge concern of roadway safety. This study utilized nine years ( to ) of at-fault underage (aged 15 to 20 years) alcohol-intoxicated driver crashes in Louisiana to investigate the hidden crash attribute patterns by employing Laboratory research using this technology showed that at BAC levels much lower than those normally associated with intoxication, tasks related to driving performance (such as divided attention tasks) were noticeably blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins It would be correct to say that the practice of drunk driving has been around for as long as people would combine binge drinking with driving afterward. This problem has always been highlighted in the recent media starting from the fifties, which has made it an important topic to discuss, especially for the college students who review this subject through the lens of education, psychology, culture, and healthcare

Drunk Driving Research Papers

To browse Academia. edu and the wider research paper on drunk driving faster and more securely, research paper on drunk driving, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Drunk Driving Followers, research paper on drunk driving.

Papers People. Deterring the Drunk Driver: An Examination of Conditional Deterrence and Self-Reported Drunk Driving. This project uses a representative U. As hypothesized, the results indicate that personal and vicarious experiences with punishment and punishment avoidance were significant predictors of punishment certainty and self-reported DUI, research paper on drunk driving.

Significant heterogeneity in both the formulation of perceived certainty of punishment and the relationship between this perception and DUI also exists between problem and non-problem drinkers. Most notably, certainty of punishment was a more robust negative predictor of DUI offending for problem drinkers, and prior punishment appears to have little effect on perceptions of punishment certainty for problem drinkers.

Save to Library. Investigating Underage Alcohol Intoxicated Driver Crash Patterns in Louisiana. Despite the zero tolerance and minimum legal drinking age MLDA laws sinceresearch paper on drunk driving, crashes caused by underage drinking drivers have occurred every year in the U.

This study utilized nine years This study utilized nine years to of at-fault underage aged 15 to 20 years alcohol-intoxicated driver crashes in Louisiana to investigate the hidden crash attribute patterns by employing multiple correspondence analysis MCA, research paper on drunk driving.

This exploratory multivariate analysis technique identifies systematic associations among categories of qualitative variables rather than recognizing the effect of a single factor on the response variable. The results exhibited the capability of MCA in discovering the meaningful clouds of crash contributory factors from a complex multidimensional dataset.

Fatal crashes happened to underage alcohol-intoxicated drivers who were not using seatbelts on high-speed curve segments at dark without streetlights, whereas single vehicle crashes occurred with moderate injuries among drinking novice teenagers operating light trucks. The findings also revealed the driving behavior patterns of rookie drivers after alcohol intake that resulted in collisions.

For example, male teenagers were engaged in impaired driving during weekends under adverse weather conditions, and underage drinking drivers tended to use cellphones in late-night driving. Targeting critical attributes from the associations could be helpful to reduce the related crashes and fatalities.

Also, the understanding of attribute groups identified in this study can be included in the educational training programs to target risky driving maneuvers. Integration of multiple interventions can be more strategic in minimizing the underage drinking collisions.

A Large Scaled Drunk Drivers Detection System For Police Checkpoints. Even though people know it is too risky, they used to drink and drive. So the police put a significant effort to catch them. There are some systems to research paper on drunk driving that a person has consumed alcohol or not. But still, a lot of drunk drivers are But still, a lot of drunk drivers are escaping from police checkpoints.

The goal of this project is to catch every drunk driver on the road and record their details in a remote database automatically to ensure that every guilty driver is caught and even the police cannot let them go under any circumstances. Decolonising quantitative research paper on drunk driving within a Pacific research space to explore cognitive effects following kava use.

Work that challenges Western hegemonic research traditions, through use of innovative and alternative approaches as part of 'decolonising methodologies', is increasingly being validated by research funding bodies, postgraduate research Work that challenges Western hegemonic research traditions, through use of innovative and alternative approaches as part of 'decolonising methodologies', is increasingly being validated by research funding bodies, postgraduate research and large-scale projects.

This paper explains a feasibility study that combined a Pacific respect-based cultural methodology with a counter-hegemonic development theory to create a post-development methodological framework PDMF. The framework was then used to guide the culturally ethical use of Western psychometric measures at a naturalistic kava-use setting. Not only does the study demonstrate the viability of the PDMF and the naturalistic kava use setting-or faikava methodology-as a valid tool for collecting data in a study conducted pursuant to a major research award, it also builds on a growing body of work aimed at decolonising Pacific methodologies.

Jessica Leov. Reducing alcohol-impaired driving deaths in America: A policy recommendation. In the United States, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of injury and mortality and alcohol consumption is the single greatest cause of motor vehicle fatalities, contributing to approximately one-third of all motor vehicle In the United States, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of injury and mortality and alcohol consumption is the single greatest cause of motor vehicle fatalities, contributing to approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities.

Alcohol-impaired driving crash fatalities are preventable deaths, and although there has been a reduction in the number of deaths from fatal crashes due to alcohol-impaired driving since the s when it became a public health concern, the rate of decline has stalled since This paper examines the current laws and policies existing to reduce alcohol-related injuries and fatalities in America and argues for a new law to be enacted that impose stricter limits on research paper on drunk driving driving blood alcohol concentration across all states.

It also presents evidence of the effectiveness and feasibility of such law. Drunk Driving and Deterrence: Exploring the Reconceptualized Deterrence Hypothesis and Self-Reported Drunk Driving. Generalized Structural Equation Modeling GSEM was conducted using self-report data from a nationally representative telephone survey of the general population.

As hypothesized, experiences with punishment were positively related to perceptions of certainty of punishment, and increased punishment avoidance is related to decreased perceptions of punishment certainty and self-reported DUI. Although perceived certainty of punishment is negatively related to DUI, perceptions of punishment severity were positively related to self-reported DUI. Results also indicate that personal and vicarious experiences are significantly related to perceptions of certainty and severity of punishment and self-reported DUI.

With the exception of perceptions of punishment severity, the findings are largely supportive of the theory.

While the literature rarely examines perceptions of severity of punishment, some suggestions for future research are posited. The findings also suggest that deterrence may operate differently for those with alcohol addiction problems. These results considerably add to the scarce research that explores predictors of perceptions of punishment certainty and severity and the indirect path between these predictors and self-reported DUI, research paper on drunk driving. Using census tract level data from two U.

cities we draw on the cities we draw on the prevention literature and routine activities theory to develop measures of alcohol availability and context. Spatially lagged regression models examined both direct and conditional relationships between alcohol outlets and alcohol-related crashes.

Results indicate the alcohol outlet and crash relationship was moderated by contextual factors e. DUI enforcement and environmental hazards.

Thus, alcohol availability may be just a part of a broader community system that affect the opportunity for alcohol-related crashes to occur. Ruth Triplett. Research Paper: Ethanol Intoxication and Road Accident Trauma Statistics in a Tertiary Hospital Complex of Cotonou City in Benin Republic A B S T R A C T. Background: Road traffic accidents are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Benin Republic, in other words, a serious public health problem here.

Consumption of alcoholic drinks is known as an important risk factor for Consumption of alcoholic drinks is known as an important risk factor for road accidents, research paper on drunk driving. The aim of this preliminary study was to determine alcohol ingestion and its relationship with victims of road traffic accidents in Cotonou City, Benin.

Methods: It is a descriptive and analytic study which carried out during Research paper on drunk driving In this study, ethanol concentration was measured in the victims of traffic accidents' blood. Information related to the injured people, their social characteristics, circumstances of accident occurrence, and the outcomes were also collected. Results: In this study, 80 victims of road accidents were included.

There was no research paper on drunk driving between ethanol ingestion frequency and factors such as the age of the injured, condition of the injured at the time of the accident, time of accident, and road condition on which the accident happened.

If-You-Think-Alcohol-Consumption-is-Not-Harmful-Think-Again-PartWHO Je Ironically, when family and friends announce that one of their female members or a partnered couple is pregnant, the first thing that happens is that someone in a privileged position proposes that each member of the group fills a glass Ironically, when family and friends announce that one of their female members or a partnered couple is pregnant, the first thing that happens is that someone in a privileged position proposes that each member of the group fills a glass with champagne, or some fine wine that has been tabled, and lifts the glass high, with well-intentioned joyous praise for the happy couple.

This scenario is in essence a commentary on a deeply embedded sociocultural tradition that is difficult to extirpate, as we shall see, even in the name of good health. By reiterating these celebratory rituals, Motorsport Heroes in competitions across the globe implicitly legitimate such drinking behaviour, research paper on drunk driving, thereby encouraging their spectators to swallow as much liquor as they can as a vicarious way of celebrating these events.

Policing the Drunk Driving Problem: A Longitudinal Examination of DUI Enforcement and Alcohol Related Crashes in the U. Purpose: This project examines the relationship between police enforcement of driving under the influence DUI and fatal alcohol related crashes. Method: This article merged data from several sources to fit several 3-level growth curve Method: This article merged data from several sources to fit several 3-level growth curve models that assess the relationship between DUI arrests and fatal alcohol related crashes in U.

counties from Results: The findings indicate that increases in DUI arrests are related to decreased fatal alcohol related crashes during the period. However, the two are not linearly related and the relationship varies across states. Conclusions: The non-linearity indicates there is a point of diminished returns where increased arrests are no longer related to reductions in fatalities.

These findings suggest that policy makers should explore alternative methods of reducing crashes to supplement enforcement efforts such as addressing problems of alcoholism and traffic safety.

Exploring Traffic Safety Culture and Drunk Driving: An Examination of the Community and DUI Related Fatal Crashes in the U. This project explores the relationship between structural level factors associated with community traffic safety culture toward alcohol and alcohol related fatal crashes in the United States from Multilevel growth curve research paper on drunk driving Multilevel growth curve models were estimated to explore these relationships with longitudinal data.

As hypothesized, research paper on drunk driving in factors associated with anti-alcohol community norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs were related to decreases in alcohol related crashes at the county level. Conversely, measures associated with pro-alcohol factors were related to increased alcohol related crashes.

These findings are consistent with traffic safety culture, social norms theory, and the Positive Community Framework PCF. Do you work in high risk industries including driving? Initially, physical examination were limited to only research paper on drunk driving checks with little of diagnosis before advanced health technology was developed in this our modern century.

Dating back to the 19th century, the history and physical examination Dating back to the 19th century, the history and physical examination were nearly the only diagnostic tools the physician had, which explains why tactile skill and ingenious appreciation in the exam were so highly valued in the definition of what made for a good physician. The probability of a sentence falling The probability of a sentence falling into one of the three ordered categories is explained by a cumulative logit model.

Drunk-driving defendant sentenced to 50 years for crash that killed 3

, time: 2:18

Drunk Driving Research Paper | Examples and Samples

research paper on drunk driving

Apr 03,  · Research Paper Every year in the United States 13, people are killed from an alcohol related accident. In a different perspective, that is about 35 people every day (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). To bring this statistic down, schools should educate students on the consequences of drunk driving because teenagers/5(10) Drunk Driving. Research papers on drunk driving discuss the crime and social problem of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. There are few people, perhaps, who question the safety of consuming alcohol and then getting behind the wheel of a car. Yet the fact that drunk driving continues to be a social problem indicates the depths to which people lose judgment when impaired by alcohol As it was researched by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in over 37 thousand people died in car accidents, and around 11,5 thousand of them due to drunk driving. If these figures do not scare you enough – just calculate it: last year’s deaths related to drunk driving accounted more than 32% of all deaths in car crashes

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